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Getting Started on the Food Pill Diet

First: Take Stock of Your Health

How are you doing in terms of health? What are your goals? How committed are you to reaching those goals?

You can begin by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI) at HERE

In general, the higher your BMI, the higher the risk of developing a range of conditions linked with excess weight, including but not limited to, diabetes, arthritis, liver disease, several types of cancer (such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer), high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.

It's important to remember that BMI is not a measurement of "health" but rather a measure of your size. It's not a perfect test, as results can be skewed by things like pregnancy or high muscle mass. Moreover, it's not necessarily applicable for children or the elderly. For that reason, we recommend having a complete medical examination first so that you can take complete stock of your health before the Food Pill Diet and after.

Second: Cycle Up!

The first week of the Food Pill Diet is the Cycle Up Period, which lasts for seven days. During this period, we slowly introduce you to taking the Food Pills – we want to make sure you have no previously unobserved allergies while at the same time allow your body, microbiome, and mind acclimate to taking the Food Pills. This entire week you still eat traditional food and just supplement your diet with Food Pills.


The Cycle Up Period consists of eight meals per day:  At 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. See table below. You begin by taking two food pills per meal and slowly add additional pills at each meal and by the end of the week, you will have ramped up to taking forty-eight food pills per meal. The following week you are into the full Food Pill Diet Schedule of 50 food pills per meal x 6 meals per day and then a traditional dinner at night of under 1,000 calories.

3 Sprinters with their hands on white line ready to race when they hear gun
Cycle Up Week Chart

Third: Take the Plunge 

After the Cycle Up period, the second week of the Food Pill Diet is when traditional food is completely eliminated during the day – you will subsist 100 percent on our food pills until 7pm dinner. During the next two weeks, you will  eat 6 meals per day, each meal will consist of 50 food pills, and then a traditional dinner that is under 1,000 calories.  

6 meals x 50 food pills per meal = 300 food pills per day

120 calories per meal x 6 +1,000 calorie dinner = 1,720 calories a day

The methodology behind the Food Pill Diet is what makes the system unique, and indeed why we have a patent pending status. The diet addresses hunger, and by association cravings, by specifically targeting the 8 triggers that make people feel hungry. By not smelling or tasting food we are able to block the hedonic response to traditional food allowing customers to be on a low daily calorie diet and lose weight without constantly battling cravings. 


These triggers include: 

  1. an empty stomach; 

  2. insulin levels;

  3. mechanisms in the stomach that measure food density and stomach expansion;

  4. taste and smell;

  5. physical activity, which depletes glycogen levels, vitamins and minerals;

  6. sleep, both quantity and quality;

  7. your microbiome, which is the gut bacteria that, in essence, communicate with your brain; and

  8. classical conditioning, such as your brain’s associations with time or place for eating.

The diet methodology works extremely well but you must understand how the science works at blocking the CB1 receptors in your brain by not smelling or tasting food while chewing. Have you ever had just one potato chip or one french fry and then became instantly more hungry? You must not allow yourself to cheat during the day or hedonic hunger will be triggered defeating the diet methodology. Save your cheating for your evening meal :) 

Woman has dived into water and see bubbles coming off her body as she travels through water

Fourth: Maintain Your Health Gains

So you stuck to it for the whole month or even longer.

You didn't chew a single thing! #NoChew


Now that you have hit your target weight, you can begin reintroducing traditional foods into your diet. You can still take the Food Pills, up to 6 meals per day, and simply close the daily calorie deficit with traditional food in order to stop losing weight.


This is particularly useful if you want to maintain the benefits of the Food Pills throughout the day while you're at the office or on the road, but also enjoy an evening meal with family and friends.

Group of friends cheers their wine glasses. You only see their hands & glasses with background blur

A Note About Sleep & Exercise

Numerous studies have demonstrated that the key to a low stress, productive lifestyle is simple:  get enough sleep. Ensuring you get a solid 8 hours of sleep is going to be an important factor to ensure your success on the Food Pill Diet. Sleep actually helps you lose weight, particularly fat weight. Too little sleep, and your body starts to actually burn more muscle. 


Regarding exercise, too much of it on the Food Pill diet will deplete your body and cause you to become hungry. This is extremely important during the initial 3 week period. We recommend taking only a 30 minute walk in the morning and then again in the evening. If you exercise too much hunger will override what we are trying to achieve so lose the weight with our diet and then when you hit your goal weight you can then go back to exercising more vigorously. 


Try the two daily walks. Just go out your front door and start walking around the block. Breathing fresh air and seeing the sky lighten and darken is extremely important to aiding your circadian rhythm, which will in turn help you sleep better. 

Newborn Baby Sleeping with furry hat on head
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